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Tharrenos Bratitsis

  /  Tharrenos Bratitsis

Tharrenos Bratitsis

  • Tharrenos Bratitsis is an Electrical Engineering – Computer Scientist, a graduate of the correspondin  department of the Polytechnic School of the University of Patras. He received his PhD from the Department of Early Childhood Education and Educational Planning, University of the Aegean. He worked as an engineer and supervising manager for public construction works for a short time in a construction company. He has taught at all levels of post-secondary education. He was a special associate of the University of the Aegean, an adjunct scientist of the University of the Aegean, a scientific associate of the Technical Institute of Western Macedonia and a faculty member at the University of Western Macedonia. The subjects he taught are part of the wider field of Technologically Enhanced Learning, but he has held lectures on quality assurance, innovation, public project management, etc.
  • He has an intense research activity in the Greek and international arena, having participated in more than 50 research projects related to his research interests. In addition, he has particular experience in the writing, evaluation and management of research programs, having been scientific manager, coordinator and Quality Assurance Manager in 15 European research programs in the last 5 years.
  • Nowadays he works as a Professor in the Department of Early Childhood Education. His teaching and research mainly concern innovative actions in the field of education through technology, both in teaching and learning and in the organizational structures of education, of all levels and categories (formal, non-formal and informal). In particular, he focuses his work on Digital Storytelling, STEAM approaches, CSCL, Game-based Learning, Educational Robotics, and augmented and virtual reality applications.
  • He is a member of many scientific associations, a member of the Board of Directors of HCICTE since 2014, a member of the scientific committee of more than 300 scientific conferences, a reviewer in 47 scientific journals (in 2 of them associate editor), while he has more than 250 publications in Greek and international scientific journals conferences and journals and more than 1250 cross-references to his work.
  • He has many international collaborations with the European and American regions, but also with the OECD where it is in the process of submitting a joint funding proposal.
  • He has an intense administrative work, participating in a number of committees (indicative: Practicum, Internal Quality Committee, research Committee (vice president for one year), Steering committees of Postgraduate programs, Life Long Learning Center Board of Directors).
  • He has participated in the organization of scientific conferences (member of the coordinating committee in more than 15, president of 4 (2012, 2020, 2021), workshops and innovative actions (panhellenic educational robotics competitions, digital creation festivals, local actions in collaboration with local bodies, exhibitions , etc).
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